
What If You Could Invest Just a Few Hours to Level-up a Critical Area of Your Worship Ministry?

You can. Keep reading.
(Or watch the video)


...Uninterrupted, Focused Attention on a Single Area of Your Worship Ministry...

This half-day, live workshop will help you focus attention to the part of your worship ministry that needs it most. This workshop will help you...

  • Create more time for the stuff you're passionate about.
  • Experiencing less frustration and stress.
  • Overcome a significant challenge-area in your worship ministry.

And which area of ministry are we going to focus on?

That's entirely up to you.

Watch the video below.

Or, you can read down the page to discover how the System Mastery Workshop will help you grow that part of your worship ministry that you've been dying to transform.

Watch This Video

The Problem

You lead an organization that has 8 BIG ministry systems. Each one needs to run exceptionally well or some aspect of your ministry is suffering.

(I'll tell you what all eight systems are in a minute. But first...)

For most worship leaders, the urgent demands of Sunday-after-Sunday make it incredibly difficult to make significant improvements on those systems.

And if you’ve ever tried to delegate a ministry process or task to someone else—forget about it! It’s just been easier to just keep doing it yourself.


This is exactly why the System Mastery Workshop can help you.

System Mastery?

As an experienced worship ministry leader, you’ve probably got alot of your ministry running really well.

But if you’re like a lot of high-level leaders, there are still a few ministry areas or "systems" that you would like to either improve or rebuild.

Or, you might need to restructure a ministry area so you can delegate that to another leader (without all the usual delegation headaches).

To do that, join me to take one of your critical ministry systems to the next level of exceptional.

Choose one of the Eight Essential Worship Ministry Systems you want to improve, and we’ll spend the day tackling that...together.


The 7 Steps to System Mastery...

During this hands-on, System Mastery Workshop, I’m going to walk you through the seven steps of 'system mastery.'

You'll use this process to rebuild or optimize one system area, and even prepare it to be delegated to another leader.

Whatever system or ministry area you choose to work on, when you’ve completed the one-day System Mastery Workshop and implemented these changes, you’ll have...

  • transformed a broken system to a healthy system, or...
  • leveled-up a good system to be a great system, or even...
  • prepped that system or ministry area to delegate.

How great would that feel?!

7 Steps of System Mastery

The Next Question Is...


Choosing Which System To Master

Which of the Eight Essential Systems do you want to focus on?

  • You could choose a ministry area that’s just been neglected—you just haven’t had time to invest in it.
  • Or maybe it’s an area of ministry that you just don’t LOVE, but you know you need to improve it.

Here's the thing: whether you "like" a ministry area or not, if it’s not a healthy system, it’s not just a time or an efficiency issue.

Unhealthy systems encourage unhealthy behavior. The stressful issues you face in your worship ministry...those aren't unsolvable people problems.

Those are fixable system problems.

So what if you could invest just one day to do the work to improve or optimize that system?

  • You would have less stress,
  • Your ministry would be healthier,
  • And you would free up to do the things in ministry that you’re passionate about.

Which of the Eight Essential Systems will you choose to level-up at the workshop?

Your Eight Essential Systems

  • SMW-systems-prep

    Get Your Team to Value Practice & Rehearsal

    Your team will show up to rehearsals on-time and ready to go—with every song learned. Imagine how much more confident lead worshipers they'll be.

  • SMW-systems-scheduling

    Raise Your Team's Commitment

    A healthy scheduling system will encourage ownership with your team. No more no-shows, last-minute call-offs, or chasing down team members to get them to accept their scheduling requests.

  • SMW-systems-setplanning

    Plan Engaging Worship Gatherings

    You can to plan meaningful journeys of worship each week—and do it in less time. And, you'll have a process that you can teach to your worship-leaders-in training.

  • SMW-systems-qualification

    Qualify New Team Members

    Avoid toxic team members and only invite in the right people that qualify— musically, spiritually, and relationally. Your audition process is critical to building your ideal team culture.

  • SMW-systems-communication

    Communicate Your Vision

    Purposefully communicate where your team is going and why. Then create clear expectations that move your team intentionally towards your vision. Without clarity, you can't hold your team accountable.

  • SMW-systems-leadership-dev

    Develop Leaders

    Raise up a team of leaders who complement your strengths and weaknesses. They will help you take your worship ministry far beyond where you could alone.

  • SMW-systems-team dev

    Equip Your Team Members

    Take seriously the call of Eph. 4:11-12 to equip your team to do the work of ministry. Grow them spiritually, relationally, and musically.

  • SMW-systems-song-rotation

    Engage Your Church

    Get your church to sing more by rotating your songs the right way.

The Details

When Is It?

Monday, July 12, 2021  |  12 pm to 4 pm EDT

Here's the start time in your timezone.

NO REPLAYS. This is a LIVE event.

Because of the hands-on nature of this training, there will not be a replay.*

If you absolutely can't make the live event but still want the training content, please reach out to Jon at jon [at] worshipteamcoach [dot] com.

* This event will be recorded and available for participants for reference and finishing their work later. 

Where Is It?

The comfort of your office, living room, or local coffeeshop. The workshop will be taught inside a Zoom meeting. This saves on travel expenses, but also eliminates risk of meeting during this pandemic.

The Details

When Is It?

  • Wednesday, July 12, 2021 
  • 12 pm to 4 pm EDT
  • Here's the start time in your timezone.

This is a LIVE event. Because of the hands-on nature of this training, there will not be a replay.*

If you absolutely can't make the live event but still want the training content, please reach out to Jon at jon [at] worshipteamcoach [dot] com.

* This event will be recorded and available for participants for reference and finishing their work later. 

Where Is It?

The comfort of your office, living room, or local coffeeshop. The workshop will be taught inside a Zoom meeting. This saves on travel expenses, but also eliminates risk of meeting during this pandemic.

What All Does This Workshop Include?

7 Steps of System Mastery

Part 1: A Dive Deep Into the 7-Steps to System Mastery

You’ll learn the step-by-step process to MASTER your systems. With this process, you’ll be able to delegate parts or even all of a ministry system.

This process lay the foundation for what you'll be doing during this workshop: You will design a ministry system that intentionally produces the results you want.

This training alone is a $197 value. 

Part 2: Get-It-Done Work

We’ll walk through these 7 steps with one system that you choose to master. You’ll have focused time to create or renovate your system area. The goal is to design this system and get it ready for immediate implementation.

Imagine the value of having the uninterrupted time and focus to work on mastery of one system AND having someone there to guide you through it?

Estimated Value: $480
(This is a conservative estimate based on the average hourly rate of a full-time worship leader.) 

Part 3: Coaching & Mentoring

You’ll get coaching & mentoring every step of the way during this workshop. You can have confidence that you’re on track as you work on your ministry system.

I’ve made tons of mistakes that I can help you avoid.

Avoiding these mistakes will literally be worth thousands of dollars to your church in wasted time—and will save you a lot of frustration and stress.

The value of 3 hours of coaching & mentoring: $447
(This value estimate is based on our current coaching rate of $149 per hourly session.)

Get-It-Done Tool: Workflow Creation Guide


One of the big elements of the Seven Steps is Workflow. So I’m going to include a big tool to help you.

The Workflow Creation Guide helps you build your own workflow process…

  • It uses one of the eight systems (New Team Member Qualification) to show how to create a step-by-step workflow in EVERY ministry area.
  • You'll learn how to map out every step of any process.
  • You’ll know who’s responsible for what at each step in the process.

If you follow this process, delegation is SO much easier!

The how-to training in this guide will save you hundreds of dollars in time and missed steps.

If we sold this as a standalone product, it’d be priced around $50.

Value: $49

Pre-Workshop Training: Understanding Systems

This next resource takes a “big picture” approach and helps you understand why ministry systems are…

  • Important for good leadership…
  • “Biblical” and not “unspiritual”…   
  • The absolute most important thing to build a strong team culture.

And it's something you'll watch before the workshop, so we're all starting with a solid foundation.

Understanding systems is the one of the most critical leadership concepts for anyone leading a ministry, team or organization. This brief training will show you why it's more important than mission, vision, or even values when it comes to creating the culture you desire.

If you apply what you learn from this class, you’ll not only save hundreds of hours, but you’ll also build a stronger and healthier worship ministry.

Estimated Value: $97
(This is a very conservative estimate based on what this training would sell for as a standalone product.)

What's Your Investment?

What's ONE System Worth?

7 Steps of System Mastery

Let's say you choose the system/ministry area of Preparation...

You'll apply the 7 Steps to Mastery to every aspect of preparation:

  • personal practice expectations
  • rehearsal
  • soundchecks & warm-ups
  • training on how to prepare & what it matters

Because of your work in this system area, Your team members start showing up on-time and ready-to-go for rehearsals, with their songs learned…week after week.

Picture that for a moment, then answer these three questions:

  1. What does that do for your stress-level?
  2. What will that do for the confidence levels of your lead worshipers? 
  3. What will this confidence and musical preparation mean for your worship services.


If you add up the value of everything you get—tools, training, & coaching—it comes out to $1,270.  Here's a snapshot of it:


Would it be worth $1,270 (or $150.83/mo for one year) to have your team...

  • Show up to rehearsal on-time?
  • Practice their songs before they came to rehearsal?
  • Lead, sing, and play with confidence?
  • Be more expressive lead worship?
  • Lower your stress because rehearsals, soundchecks, & warm-ups consistently run smoothly.

I'm not asking if your church could afford that amount. But would it be worth $1,270 to create that kind of transformation in any one area of your worship ministry?


$1270 is a smart investment:

Just one “80% mastered” system will help you transform your worship ministry over the 12 months.

But I know church budgets. And I also know the uncertain times we're in for churches right now.

I wanted to price this in a way that made it affordable for the average-sized church.

In fact, we even reduced it $300 from the last time we offered this workshop. Keep reading to see how little your church needs to invest to get all this value.

What You'll Actually Pay

Right Now, You Can Enroll In The System Mastery Workshop For Only...


That's a one-time payment—not a subscription obligation or multiple payment. One payment of only $97 gets registered for the System Mastery Workshop.

Again, here's everything you get:


Here's How To Register:

Step 1:

Click the orange Apply Now button.

Step 2:

Fill out the short application.

Step 3: 

Complete & submit the order form.*
*(This payment holds your place in the workshop while we review your application.)

Our Refund Promise

The One-Year, Money-Back Promise

If you participate fully in this Workshop, put in the work to implement the changes to one of your systems, and you DON'T see results between 6 and 12 months, I’ll refund your investment.

Here's How To Register:

Step 1:

Click the orange Apply Now button.

Step 2:

Fill out the short application.

Step 3: 

Complete & submit the order form.*
*(This payment holds your place in the workshop while we review your application.)

What Kind of Leader Should Attend?

  • The high-level, experienced worship ministry leader...

    You're the kind of leader who will put in the work and understands the value of an optimized ministry system.

  • Who understands the difference between "urgent" and "important" work...

    You're busy, but you also understand that the urgent weekly work has to be paused occasionally to tackle the important, long-term growth work.

  • Who is leading leaders (or wants to move that way)...

    This workshop will help you structure your systems in a way that you can delegate them to other leaders— right now or in the not too distant future.

  • And who understands that true culture change needs to happen at a systems-level.

    Leveling up one of your ministry systems isn't just about making it more efficient. It's about how it reinforces the values and expectations for your whole team. 

Got questions?

Please see the FAQ below.

Register Now

Complete This Short Application

Once you fill out the application and order form, you'll secure your seat in the workshop.

If we see any indications that this isn't the right fit for you, we'll let you know and refund your entire registration free.

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