
mac recording studio

Worship Set Planning

By Matt Miller

Worship planning is an intricate process that demands creativity, coordination, and a deep understanding of the congregation’s needs.

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Why Lateness Hurts Your Team (More Than You Think)

Why Late Team Members Hurt Your Team (More Than You Think)

By Jon Nicol

Here are eight ways that late team members are damaging our ministries. And then we’ll look at the practical steps that leaders can do to change this.

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Five (Fixable) Things That Keep Your Team From Practicing

By Jon Nicol

Here are five ways that us worship leaders encourage poor preparation. The bright side is that each of these things is also fixable by us, too.

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How to Convince Your Team to Practice

How To (Really) Convince Your Team Members To Practice

By Jon Nicol

Your worship team can’t lead well what they don’t know well. Help them understand the biblical, musical, and practical reasons they need to practice.

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3 Ways To Get Your Worship Team To Practice More

By Jon Nicol

Do your worship team members use the rehearsal to learn their songs? Get your worship team to practice BEFORE they come to rehearsal. Here are 3 ways…

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What’s The Difference Between Practice And Rehearsal? 6 Things Your Team Should Know

By Jon Nicol

Don’t let rehearsal time keep getting wasted by team members who don’t practice. They need to understand the difference between practice and rehearsal.

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Practice By Numbers: Setting Clear Expectations For Your Worship Team

By Jon Nicol

How does this song go again? Do you hate that question during rehearsal as much as I do? You planned the setlist three weeks ago. You uploaded the charts and mp3s to the worship planning app. You wrote out the band and vocal notes outlining who plays what where. And you’ve said time and again,…

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Why You Should Not Lead a Worship Team Without this document

Why You Should NOT Lead a Worship Team Without This Document

By Jon Nicol

I’ve used a lot of strategies, tactics, and tools to get my team to practice. Here’s of the most essential tools I used to make prepare a priority.

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Four Simple Habits That Can Transform Your Rehearsal (Before It Even Starts)

By Jon Nicol

Ever had a rehearsal tank? I have. I won’t bore you with the story right now. Just suffice it to say that most anything that could go wrong did. (Except an earthquake. I can thankfully say we didn’t have a massive earthquake at that rehearsal.) Doing a post-mortem on that rehearsal, and others like it,…

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Brick Wall Blue

Are You Skipping This Key Element of Your Worship Rehearsal?

By Jon Nicol

The “run-through” is probably one of the most vital parts of the worship rehearsal and Sunday morning warm-up. When we skip it, we skip a critical element.

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