Worship Ministry Leadership

Woman Leading Worship - Arms Raised

10 Roles You Probably Didn’t Sign Up For When You Became A Worship Leader

By Jon Nicol

What you thought you signed up for as a worship leader is really only a small part of the job. Here are ten roles that you probably didn’t signed up for.

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Easter: Is It Really That Big A Deal?

By Jon Nicol

Please don’t get me wrong: the resurrection—it’s a BIG deal. And we should make much of it. But should we really be making this much of Easter Sunday?

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woman guitar bible

How To Respond to People Who Don’t Think You Should Be Leading (Cause You’re a Girl)

By Guest Writer

How do we respond when people share their thoughts on women in church leadership, and they’re different than our own?

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Episode 002: How To Schedule Your Way To A More Committed Team

By Jon Nicol

“How do I get my team members to be more committed?” Believe it or not, the way you schedule plays a HUGE part in how committed your team members are.

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An Open Letter to Me: 7 Things I Need to Work On This Year

By Jon Nicol

Knocking on the door of a new year, I wanted to remind myself of some things to be a better leader of myself and my team this new year.

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Average Musicians, Amazing Results...How?

How to Handle a Slacker on Your Worship Team

By Jon Nicol

If you’ve been a worship leader for awhile, you’ve seen it: your once excited, hard-working, committed musician becomes a complacent, coasting team member.

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[Video] Does Your Team Have a Problem With Gossip

By Jon Nicol

“Gossip? No, my team doesn’t have a very big an issue with it.” That’s what I thought until I discovered this definition for gossip. Check out the video below. Click for sound 3:13   For Discussion: What are some ways you deal with gossip on your team?

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Two Toxic Issues On Your Team (and What to Do About It)

By Jon Nicol

Of all the “people” issues that come with working with a worship team, two of the most prevalent are burnout and entitlement.

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Why Your Worship Team Members Lack Commitment

By Jon Nicol

If a team member lacks commitment, there are a few reasons. But a big reason might be this: the team member hasn’t bought in to the worship team.

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Match burning out

How to Recognize Burnout On Your Team

By Jon Nicol

How do you recognize burnout on the worship team? Here ten signs that someone might be burning out and needs a significant break.

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